General Information

  • Reverend Rolando Fonseca [Administrator]
  • P.O. Box 356. Marfa, TX 79843 Phone [Fax]: (432) 729-4694
  • Weekend Services: Saturdays 5:00pm [English], Sundays 8:00 [Spanish] & 10:00am [English]
  • Daily Services: Tuesday - Friday 7:00am. First Fridays: 6:00pm
  • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Every first Friday of the month from 12:00 noon to 12:45pm with Benediction.
  • Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00pm
  • Office Hours: Tuesday thru Friday 1:00pm-5:00pm
  • Baptisms: Make arrangements at the office
  • Matrimony: Make arrangements at the office
  • West Texas Ministry: (432) 729-3385

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Parish Council: Facilities Presentation

Parish Council Members present: Father Fonseca, Dan Dunlap, and Vickie Sanchez. Council meeting was not held due to lack of a quorum. A facilities presentation was held with those present.

Plaster Project for Outside Wall and ConfessionalJoe Uranga with El Capitàn Construction provided photos on the condition of the adobe walls around the church bell tower, the confessional, and the outside wall. The pictures provided showed the obvious water damage and corrosion, as well as numerous cracks on the walls. The corrosion is evident by the clay particles seeping through the walls. The adobe is wet and the clay/sand is crumbling off of the adobe. The crumbling clay is accumulating on the bound beams.

The possibility of the walls collapsing if repairs are not made was discussed. Options mentioned were demolition/deconstruction on certain sections of the walls, as well as the need to dry and seal the plaster. It was recommended that lime plaster be used. Lime plaster allows adobe to breathe. Several sections of the walls have had minor repairs in the past so some of the walls might contain mesh and others just adobe and plaster.

A portion of the water is entering through the open area where the church bell section is located. It is also seeping in through the gap surrounding a stained glass window that was not completely installed. The installation of louvers covering the church bell area could decrease the amount of rain entering the bell tower as well as provide for a clear sound. If installed, it is recommended that a cleat be created so that the louver be set against it and screwed on like a door jam. The gap around the stained glass window should also be sealed. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that it would be best if the repairs were made from the tower area where the rain is coming down and work down to the confessional. Mr. Uranga stated that the height of the walls would require the use of a harness for safety purposes. The high cost of renting scaffolds, articulating ladders and lifts was discussed. There are several areas around the bell tower that will be difficult to reach and would need to be looked at.

After reviewing the damage and repairs to be made, it was evident that the project would be a large and costly project. It was agreed that the need for repairs to the confessional is priority and should be addressed as soon as possible. Mr. Dunlap inquired on the feasibility of sealing the leaks in the tower that are causing the water leaks to seep down to the confessional walls, inserting cool seals and begin working on the confessional. Mr. Uranga stated that this would be a temporary fix but would allow us to begin working on the confessional. This would require removing the old plaster from the confessional, drying the adobe and applying the cool seal. The parish would furnish the materials needed and pay Mr. Uranga an hourly wage for the repairs. Once the repairs are made, the outside walls would need to be addressed.

Mr. Uranga recommended that the council visit with Joe Tibbetts regarding adobe structures and repairs. Mr. Tibbetts is an adobe instructor and has many years of experience in the building, demolition and restructuring of adobe walls. If possible, a meeting with Mr. Tibbitts might be coincided with a council meeting. The parish would be responsible for travel costs and a possible fee.

Mr. Uranga was asked to purchase for the project, the cool-seal for the walls so that he may begin working on sealing the bell towers from the inside and working on the confessional walls.

Church Re-Wiring Project

Father stated that he was going to check to see if the signed quote had been faxed to the contractor that was selected to re-wire the church.
Electrical Wiring for the Heating A/C Units in the Classroom
Jesus Saenz completed the project in both the classrooms and the library. The cost was $80.00 for the library unit and $300.00 for the classrooms. The units were installed through the walls. The walls will need to be painted.

New Facility Projects or Concerns

The leak in the sacristy will need to be looked at before the re-wiring project begins. It was also mentioned that there is a possible leak in the kitchen area of the parish hall. This has not been confirmed but had been mentioned by a parishioner.

Discussion and/or Change to Designated Meeting Date

Several meeting dates were discussed. A preliminary designated meeting day of the first Wednesday of the month will be discussed at the next council meeting to be held.

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